Tuesday, August 20, 2019

ABCs of DCGMS Library: Y is for YouTube

It's the penultimate post for the ABCs of the DCGMS Library, and today's post is brought to you by the letter Y for YouTube.
While students use YouTube in class often to find book trailers, author interviews, or other related content for Literacy Studies projects related to books and reading, YouTube is also a great place to find clever or interesting or funny videos related to libraries and librarians in general.

For instance, several students have watched this video about book care:

And even more were perhaps reminded of their younger childhood days watching the Sesame Street martians made a discovery:

Librarians even get into the fun, including this clip from Phineas & Ferb from Disney:

Others have even noticed that librarians seem to have a secretly (?) excellent sense of humor, including the website Electric Lit. On their webpage "Librarians are Secretly the Funniest People Alive," you can find spoof magazine covers and several musical parodies posted to YouTube, including spoofs of songs by Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars, Taylor Swift, and Queen. Which is *your* favorite?

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