Our Heartland AEA offers many databases and online resources for student research and projects. You can access all of the AEA's resources by
CLICKING HERE. If you've forgotten how to log in, please talk with your librarian. Below are just a few of the examples students have used, along with two newer resources now available to us.
MackinVIA offers fiction and nonfiction eBooks and audiobooks you can access right from our school catalog. Also, you can go to
MackinVIA.com to see their collection of thousands of online books. You can read and listen to all of these books with your smart devices.
In the past, students have used SIRS to find research to use in pro/con assignments. Now, Points of View is another database that students can use for these debating-type assignments. You can access both of these databases by clicking on the captions under the pictures.
New to the FLIX family of resources is FreedomFLIX. Like BookFLIX and TrueFLIX, this resource includes books, videos, related websites, and more! They offer books on a variety of social studies topics.
These are just a few of the many databases and online resources that are available to students. Need help using them? Stop by the library; we'd love to help you!