
Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Final Week Feature

Well, as the song goes..."what a long, strange trip it's been." Right?! I had no idea when I last posted in early March that we wouldn't be returning to school at all for the remainder of the year. But now that our school year is coming to an "official" end, it's time to start thinking about summertime blog posts. We've had 1-Thing Wednesdays, the ABCs of DCGMS Library, Harry Potter Hump Days, and Tuesday Title Talks to continue our summer reading enthusiasm. This summer each month will include two posts: Final Week Feature and First Week Flashback.

So to kick off our first Final Week Feature, we're taking a look at the Summer Reading Program from our local public libraries. Yes! The summer reading program will continue online this summer! Here's a sneak peek video:

The video includes information and directions relating to how to create or access your account on Beanstack to chart your June and July reading. You can also learn about prizes offered half-way through the summer and final prizes. The video even includes how you can access things to read during this time when the library may not be as accessible to you. Want to learn more? You can access the library's summer reading page HERE

Throughout June and July, the summer reading program includes completely online weekly events. You can read more about it HERE:

A few of the virtual activities are aimed specifically at teen students:

With our Literacy Studies book trailer work and breakout activities, you might want to check out their offerings! 

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