
Friday, August 2, 2019

ABCs of DCGMS Library: S is for STEAM Activities

We're on the downhill slide for our ABCs posts, and today's post looks back at some of the students' favorite days in the library. Today's post is brought to you by the letter S for STEAM activities.

Each semester students completed an interest inventory survey that allowed them to choose their top four choices of STEAM activities, and throughout the semester, students explored those four choices in small groups with others with similar interests.

What kinds of things did they use and try out? Take a look:
From top left-hand corner: Snap Circuits, Cubelets, Bloxels, Sphero, 3D pen, K'Nex, little Bits, Stik Bot, Do Ink green screen app, IO Blocks minis
Students had nearly a full class period to try out their activities of choice and to create, build, code, fail, and try again with some rethinking. Like our Breakout work, students were also developing their communication and problem solving skills, as many of these activities were new to them. You can see some of their work below:

More STEAM activities and making in the library in the coming school year as we were awarded a State of Iowa Scale-Up STEM grant that includes numerous materials to add to our learning and creating.

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