
Monday, July 29, 2019

ABCs of DCGMS Library: Q is for Quarter Projects

Welcome back to the ABCs of the DCGMS Library! Today's post is brought to you by the letter Q for Quarter Projects.
Photo by Eric Rothermel on Unsplash
Each quarter, Literacy Studies students worked on projects for their reading classes, and often students shared their work with one another in Literacy Studies class. These projects were collaborative efforts with conversations and planning happening behind the scenes, then the "roll out" in Literacy Studies class. Students usually had time to work and create their projects in both their reading classes and Literacy Studies class.

So what were some of these projects? Seventh graders created Slides presentations relating to literary terms, and in another quarter, they created author study projects using Thinglink.

Sixth graders completed different projects, including a genre project and a book talk Slide. Because 6th graders talk a lot about genre at the start of the school year, it was a natural fit to create a Slides presentation using a book of the student's choice to demonstrate their understanding of genre.

The book talk Slide project was a focused attempt to improve students' book talking, and the project allowed us to explore using Unsplash to search for a related image and to use Screencastify as an audio component of Slides. Below is a screenshot of a student's Slide:

The quarter projects were an effective collaboration between reading teachers and the Literacy Studies class; it's likey we'll see more and different projects in the coming year!

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