
Friday, July 19, 2019

ABCs of DCGMS Library: N is for New Books

We're on the downhill side of the ABCs of the DCGMS Library with today's letter N for new books.
Photo by Eli Francis on Unsplash
Throughout the school year, new books greeted students several times. Of course August brought many new books after summertime ordering, but with books fairs in late October and March, along with holiday-time ordering, students had access to hundreds of new titles. In fact, over the course of the 2018 -2019 school year, more than 775 new books were added to the collection!

What were some of the more popular genres and books? Certainly graphic novels like these:

Chapter books by favorite authors like these:

And these novels in verse, which grow in popularity every year:

Didn't get a chance to read these? No worries! They'll be waiting for you when school starts--along with more than 100 additional new titles! Your to-be-read list just got longer! :) See you in August!


  1. Interesting about the novels in verse. My students are NOT fond of them. I probably add about as many new books as you do-- and try to weed as many as I get, which is the hard part!

    1. The weeding becomes harder each year, I think!
