
Thursday, October 22, 2015

Using Destiny Quest to Promote Reading

All of our DCG libraries use the Destiny library management system which allows students to create a personal account. Once logged in, users can access Destiny Quest, allows users to do a variety of things:

  • search the catalog.
  • manage virtual bookshelves.
  • view their accounts.

  • send and receive friend requests.
  • make book recommendations.
  • and, write book reviews.

Recently, 6th and 7th graders reviewed the options that Destiny Quest offers, and they have the opportunity to recommend books and write book reviews. These reviews now appear in our catalog and allow students to see what others have to say about the books in our collection.

Students wrote down web address and username/password information in their planners so they would be able to access Destiny Quest in study hall or at home. All they need is a device that can access the Internet. Why not check the catalog to read the reviews that they're writing? Maybe you'll find a book that others have recommended as a great read!

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