
Friday, June 29, 2018

Summer Reading Book Recommendations: Week 4

This week we shift from fiction recommendations to narrative nonfiction. According to Pat McNees from the website Writers and Editors, narrative nonfiction is "fact-based storytelling that makes the reader want to keep reading." Our five suggestions certainly do exactly that!
Access the full presentation HERE.
Recent purchases for the library have added several narrative nonfiction titles to the collection. We're eager to share these new books with you, as well as all of the new titles waiting for you. See you in August!

Friday, June 22, 2018

Summer Reading Book Recommendations: Week 3

Our summer reading recommendations continue this week with a twist: we're featuring sports authors and several books rather than single titles. Sports fiction has become some of the most circulated titles in the library, so why not highlight some of your most popular and favorite authors?

CLICK HERE to access the full presentation
See any of your favorites? Looking forward to trying a new sports read? Try your public library this summer, or we'll see you in August when you're ready to check out!

Friday, June 15, 2018

Summer Reading Book Recommendations: Week 2

It's Week 2 of book recommendations, and rather than go on and on about these great books, you only get five words to excite your reading selves! Take a look at this week's books:
Access all of the book recommendations HERE.
The 5-word summaries or reviews were posted daily on Twitter; did you miss them? Here's each day's review:

Stay tuned for next week's recommendations--all are sports writers, maybe some of your old favorites, but you might be surprised with a new suggestion! Happy reading!

Friday, June 8, 2018

Summer Reading Book Recommendations, Week 1

With summer upon us, now is a great time to catch up on those books you've heard friends, teachers, classmates, and others talking about! Each week we'll feature five titles with a theme, of sorts, to guide your selections. This week's theme is Stand-Alone Titles.

You can access the full Slides presentation showing all titles and descriptions HERE. Stay tuned for more titles and recommendations!