
Friday, May 23, 2014

Rolling Stone Magazine Meets YA Literature

The most recent issue of Rolling Stone has recognized young adult literature with their list of the 40 best YA novels, When Holden Met Katniss.

The list includes some great YA lit from years past, like S.E. Hinton's The Outsiders, but it also includes some of your favorites from today, such as The Hunger Games.

If you want to see the entire list along with book descriptions, you can CLICK HERE to access Rolling Stone's website. Want just a sneak peek of some of the titles? Check out some of them below:

Monday, May 5, 2014

Gear Up for Summer Reading

With so many people excited about the popularity of the dystopian society novels and the success of the movies like Divergent, there's bound to be some asking, "What can I read that's like Divergent?" (Or The Hunger Games, or Legend, or Delirium, or. . .)

The website Hunger Games Lessons has a great post about popular books for teens--and their recommendations include a lot of read-alikes if you're a fan of these dystopian society novels. Not a fan? Well, there are plenty of other books on the list for you, too!

Want to read something like The Fault in Our Stars? They have suggestions for you. So, too,  for fans of The Mortal Instruments series. Interested in a particular author? They have author read-alikes for Stephen King fans as well.

The Hunger Games Lessons site has everything arranged for you to keep track of great read-alikes--check it out to know what you can read this summer!