
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Free EBook Websites

Looking to read an eBook? Try these online sources for free titles:

The Open Library includes more than one million free ebook titles. The ebooks can be read online, downloaded to your computer, and read on a Kindle or other ereader devices. Some of the books are also available as audio books. is a service that has more than 29,000 free eBooks that are available in a variety of formats. The books here are either in the public domain or have been licensed for free distribution. You can search by title, author, genre, or language.

Planet eBook is a free service where teachers and students can find classic literature titles available as free downloads. Planet eBook offers previews of titles, which allows students to get an overview of the book without committing to downloading the entire book.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

20th Century War Books

Students in 7th grade social studies have a variety of books to choose from as they work on a 20th century wars unit. Be sure to check back often; titles will change as students check out and return books.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Christopher Columbus Primary Sources Online Searching

Students in 8th grade social studies classes are researching Christopher Columbus and using primary source documents, among other sources, to evaluate his actions as heroic or not. Mr. Rankin's and Mrs. Wright's classes visited the library for a quick lesson related to using netTrekker, Student Research Center, and Britannica Online to search for valid, reliable, accurate, and up-to-date information.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

We had a successful book fair and were able to purchase
many new titles for the library. Look for the new items in the
New Books display in the fiction section.
Happy reading!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Iowa Teen Book Award Nominees 2011-2012

This year's nominees are below, and you can access a Prezi presentation related to the titles:
Want to see what others say about the nominated books? Click here to see student book talks for this year's ITA books.

New Arrangement

The Middle School library has been rearranged! The fiction and non-fiction collections are flipped in the space, and oversize books (now marked OVR in the online catalog) can be found under the windows in the non-fiction section. Happy browsing! If you need help finding something, please don't hesitate to ask!
The fiction section in the library.